Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Advice to New Tradeswomen from an Old Pipefitter

This week the insulator’s foreman ask me to speak to the female apprentice who just started. He said she's very young and needs guidance. She has been sick all week, so he thinks I need to talk to her about taking care of herself; about eating right and getting enough sleep. Also she is using the portajohns and wants me to tell her where the woman's room is located. I think it's great that at least one man understands that being in construction is tough. Women need other women to talk to about how it affects us differently then men. We can learn tricks of the trades from our male coworkers, but only another woman will help us navigate the maze of work relationships, time management, and the independence of being on equal footing with men financially and career wise. So I asked my fellow tradeswomen (TWC~~thank you!) what advice they would give. These are the gems of wisdom they gave: 1. How to deal with men in terms of sex. This is a biggie! Most women will tell you, don't find your hunny where you make your money!!!! Others will say its okay, but find one and stick to him. What better way to see how a person responds to difficulties and treats other people than by working with them? It is important to hold yourself apart, keep sex out of the equation as best you can and realize you will never be one of the boys. You want to leave a job with them knowing you for the work you did… not for WHO I did. Never let them get too far with their sexual comments. Stick up for yourself by saying it is wrong, uncalled for, and you deserve better. 2. Keep learning and improving your skills. Respect the knowledge others have to offer, and know you can learn something, even if it is what NOT to do, from everyone. Ask other journeymen or your apprentice coordinator what certs or training you may need to level the playing field. Realize that in order to be considered equal you have to do more and learn more than the rest of the crew. Life isn’t fair but that’s the reality. 3. As most women have a smaller body you need to use a different technique than men to lift things. Use your legs they are usually stronger than your arms. Learn to balance things or find a pivot point. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. It is a smart person who knows their own limitations. 4. Find a tradeswomen group to support you throughout your apprenticeship; locally or online. There is going to be stuff that happens that men have no idea how to advise on; or would be uncomfortable to talk about. Most men want you to succeed even if only to prove they are trying. Unfortunately, not all women are going to have your back, some are jealous or insecure. Ignore them, and find someone who is willing and able to mentor you. 5. Invest money in a good pair of boots. Buy clothes that fit properly. There are websites, like Rosie’s Work Wear for women’s work clothing. Wear clothes that are comfortable and non-revealing. It’s a job, not a date. 6. Crying; pros and cons. It is still hard on the new girls. I always say never let them see you cry. In other words, let them know you’re strong and determined to stick it out. Eventually you will get their respect. Wear tinted safety glasses if you think you may look a bit teary. If I get teary, it is usually because I am fighting mad. Those who know me back off. I have cried on the job for reasons unrelated to work. I think it is okay for other workers to know you are still a woman who cries when someone she loves dies. It is okay if men cry too! 7. If your hands and feet stop moving when your mouth starts, then shut up. This is most definitely a male issue. If you’re working with another woman and talk, they assume you are talking about shoes, even if you’re not. It is all about perception. Keep moving, grab a broom, clean off your cart, just don’t stand around and talk. Yes, I know the men do it all the time, life isn’t fair. 8. Pay yourself first. We make good money; when we are employed. Set aside 10% of your gross EVERY week and start there. Not in a 401K or other tax deferment plan; actual cash in hand or bank. This money will come in handy when you are laid off/Christmas/road money/emergencies/big item purchases. Money is power and freedom. Save that money! I cannot stress that enough to our incoming trade sisters. 9. Nutrition and rest are crucial. When your muscles cramp from over exertion and you don't know if your body will last the week, you will understand the importance of enough sleep and a healthy diet. Working out is a great way to blow off stress and be a better worker as well. Drink water constantly. Also give yourself some time to relax, a cup of tea or hot bath at the end of the day. You need that time to regroup and consider the day. 10. It gets easier. Do the best you can every day. As you learn more, you will do better. In no time at all you will be looking back and laughing at the mistakes you made, but you will have learned from them. Every day is a new beginning; a chance to grow, to improve, to change the world, or at least your corner of it.


  1. Good post Peggy.
    I'm writing this kind of addressing a woman apprentice. . .I say "you" quite a lot, and I mean women as a whole. . . .I just reread some of it, and it sounds confusing. . .

    I think that most of these could apply to men too. . .Especially (like you said) Number 7! I'm all for standing around shooting the shit when we're at an in between point, or waiting for someone to move etc., but standing around when theres work to be done pisses me off, and it should! We get paid lots of dough to get shit done, we shouldn't take advantage of it. I have only worked with 1 female apprentice, and I took her under my wing as best I could. She had a good attitude and she let a lot of stuff roll off her shoulder, which I think is a big part of it. There are a lot of men stuck in the 60's that have no clue how sensitive a "sexual harassment" case can be, and they say some shit that should be addressed not only by the woman, but by the men in the group. I think that criticism from the men shut them up faster than a tongue lashing by the women. As far as the lifting is concerned. . . there are people out here (myself) that WANT to help. Its no secret that men can lift more than women. . .Its a fact, and its something you can't change (unless your interested in looking like one of those scary woman bodybuilders! Aaahhh- Scary). What you can change is your knowledge of the trade! Not every man is a physical Superman! I am. . .but I am not average! :-) What I'm getting at is that every man doesn't have to be strong to be useful to the job. . .I have worked with men who were weak as hell because they had illnesses, or were just plain old! But, the big thing about these men was that they had vast knowledge of the trade. . .Men that are aged have so much to teach us younger workers, all we have to do is treat them with complete respect and ask them questions! They WANT to pass this information down. . .they just need someone to pass it to! Be that person! If you walk on a job with the attitude that you know every thing there is to know, you will leave that job knowing exactly what you knew when you got there: NOTHING! Act interested, be HUMBLE! I can't say that enough. . .BE HUMBLE and even if they are telling you shit you already learned in school, act interested and give them input so they know your listening. . .Doing the latter will surprise many older journeymen, and they will help you because they are so used to us young bucks acting like we're king shit, when in reality we don't know dick. Wow, I'm way off topic now, but I'm gonna continue because I feel this is also important. . . Show GRATITUDE! These hardened mofo's don't have to share a damn thing with you, so when they do, Thank them! This will inspire them to show you more. . .We like feeling smart! Ok, I could go on all day about this shit, so I'm gonna stop now. Theres my 2 cents on the workplace for today.

    1. I agree Andrew. It is a privledge to be involved with and trained by some of the greatest craftsmen around, and not just the Pipefitters!

    2. I agree Andrew. It is a privledge to be involved with and trained by some of the greatest craftsmen around, and not just the Pipefitters!
